Friday, April 19, 2013

Make mine a venti

Two sets released for you this weekend, and they are both making appearances in two different locations.
Let's start with what the releases are! Both sets are "Cafe Walls Kits" in two separate color sets.

The set in "Cinnamon" has been released in the main store location and is available at the introductory price of just 75L as part of the Builder's Bargains sales hop, which lasts until end of day Sunday. This is a set of 10 wall textures great for any coffee-shop or kitchen/nook area in a home to which you want to give that cozy, coffee-shop feel. The set includes one seamless wall texture, one plain wall texture with moulding, and eight wall textures with moulding and hand-stenciled, unique deocrations.

The set in "Tumeric," which is a rich, orange-yellow hue, has been released at the Spring 2013 Full-
Permissions Mesh-Sculpties-Tex Fair. This fair runs until May 6th, and the set will be available at its introductory price of 99L until the end of this fair! it also includes the set of 10 wall textures including one seamless wall texture without moulding, one plain wall texture with moulding, and eight hand-stenciled wall textures.

Find the fair, my new release and a couple of other discounted surprises here:

You'll find the Builder's Bargains sale item here:

VIP TWIST: If you're in the VIP group, you can try your hand at winning the Tumeric Cafe Walls Kit for free by hitting up the group board. Or, if you don't want to take the chance, VIPs can pick up the set for in incredibly low 15L for the set! Not a member of the group? No problem. Simply stop by the in-world store, click on the VIP group join sign, pay the 100L join fee, and you're set! You'll find you make up the 100L joining fee in no time ;)

Happy shopping!

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